Software applications and sms phone tapper is one of the many mobile applications in the search by many users who want to add features or software into the phone. Applications tapper phone and sms is actually to monitor or monitor the condition of one's own cell phone until the phone to others. Below is a collection of software applications that can be used as bugging phones and sms can you please try to download

1. Mobile Secuware
Features Secure Mobile tapper can be used to monitor the baby through the features of its Remote Monitoring. In addition, this application provided the ability to anti-theft, if at any time your phone is lost or stolen, can diketahuilewat M-Trax facilities and existing data can be saved didalamnyapun.
This application can be downloaded at http://www.mobile-secuware.com

2. Xelnex Lite
This application can be used to record incoming and outgoing telephone conversations without first sound of 'beep'. So, kept confidential. Bias recording file format AMR, WAV or MP3, with a storage location can be set in the phone memory or memory card. This application can be downloaded at http://shop.psiloc.com/d/s60/XelnexLite_s603rd.sisx

3. Mobile-Spy
It is a surveillance service, which allows users of Windows Smartphone-based phone log to monitor activity such as text messages and phone information secretly. This application can be downloaded at http://www.mobile-spy.com/MobileSpy.CAB.

4. BT Info (ftp_bt 1:05 J2ME)
Besides being used to extract SMS, BT Info application can also control all the functions of mobile phones, ranging from access to keypad, Phonebook, profile, alarm, volume, camera, phone (dialing), a master reset to turn off the phone. It's just that, tapping can be limited to Bluetooth cell phone coverage, about 10 meters. This application can be downloaded at http://en.k508i.wz.cz/jar/ftp_bt_105.jar

5. Call Recorder and ALGAYA Call Magic
Call Recorder is an application to record a telephone dialogue, which when combined with smart applications ALGAYA Call Magic, then we are otyomatis bias phone to answer calls without pressing any key and without a sound ringtone.
Call Recorder applications can be downloaded at
Call Magic ALGAYA Applications can be downloaded at

6. TimedSpy
This application can be used as a surveillance equipment and we can set the camera phone to shoot in different time intervals, even send them directly to our other mobile phone numbers, via mms.
This application can be downloaded at http://www.diginaut.com/mobile/archive/TimedSpyTrial.sis

7. Magic Blue Hack
The features available in this application is the Make Call, Send SMS, Phonebook, Write Phonebook, Call Answer Call and Hang. This application can be downloaded at
http://www.getjar.com/products/15782/MagicBlueHack. or can be downloaded directly from the phone, type wap.GetJar.com> Quick Download> Fill in the code 29748.

The working principle of this application is by manipulating the Bluetooth phone to send files / data to target phone repeatedly. With a sense, transmission will not stop even if the target phone reject (reject) file that is sent. The only way is to turn off the Bluetooth mobile phone. This application can be downloaded at http://www.symbian-freak.com/downloads/app/3rd_ed/BT_TeRoR_S60v3.zip

9. Mobiscope Beta
This application allows mobile users to access a PC camera (webcam) via phone, with easy and amaan. Understandably, these services are supported facilities passwords. Interestingly again, this software also features a motion sensor and a scheduler, to record situasipada certain time. This application can be downloaded at http://www.mobiscope.com/.

10. SMS Anywhere
This application works by forwarding (forward) all SMS sent and received by the target phone and work without sepengtahuan phone owners. Because this application does not menggunaklan user interface so it will not appear on the screen phone. phone tapper and sms software can be downloaded at http://www.wireless-labs.com/smsanywhere/.


Ubuntu is the most popular Linux distributions because it is very easy to use, it's constant growth and all the options and applications are included in your package.

This Linux distribution (like others) is designed with the idea of ​​giving everyone access to quality free software open source, which continues to grow and improve. This has favored the creation of a large user community that provides ongoing support for this project.

The Ubuntu distribution we will find a practical application package will cover all our needs once we install in our computer. To become a little more specific, this includes basic application package Mozilla web browser (Firefox), open source office suite OpenOffice, The Gimp image editor versatile, plus an email client, various games and many utilities that will allow us to begin to benefit from the operating system very good as soon as we have installed it.

Ubuntu uses EXT4 system files and it includes Compiz Fusion so that users who only use Windows want to have the problem of adaptation.

There are three different editions of Ubuntu are available at this time, one for desktop and laptop computers, one for servers and one specifically designed for netbooks.

If you still have not tried Linux, you must start by installing the distribution of the best known and most accessible, Ubuntu.

New features included in Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx:

- A new version of GNOME.
- Improvements to the Control Center that includes the possibility of more.
- Implementation of the new interface.
- Multiple updates and fixes packages.

For those interested please download here


Welcome to Beginners Guide Google Search Engine Optimization This document first began as an effort to help the team in Google, but we think this guide will be as useful for webmasters who masi new to the topic search engine optimization and want to increase interaction with the user and search engine sites them. Although the guide does not tell any secrets that will automatically improve your site's ranking on search on Google (sorry), following the practices outlined below will facilitate the search engines to crawl and index your content.

Search engine optimization is often about small modifications on the part of your website. When viewed separately, these changes may seem like a gradual improvement, but when combined with other optimizations, they can have a real impact on user experience and performance on search results oganik your site. You seem to already be familiar with most topics in this guide, because they are an essential ingredient for all web pages, but you will not use it all.

Although the title of this guide contains the word "search engine", we want to convey that you have to make optimization decisions terlebuh first and foremost what is best for visitors to the site. They are the main consumers of content and use search engines to find your job. Too focused on changes terterntu to achieve organic results rankings on search engines may not deliver the desired results. Search engine optimization is to present the best of your site when faced with the availability of search engines.

An example may help to explain you, so we have created a fictitious web site following the overall guidelines. For each topic, we present sufficient information about the site to illustrate the points in question. Here's some background information on the site that we will use:

• Name of website / business: "Brandon's Baseball Cards"
• Domain Name: brandonsbaseballcards.com
• Focus: selling baseball cards online only, price guides, articles, and news content
• Sizes: Small, ~ 250 pages

Here I can not explain it at length because I include a link to download the video and pdf files which where you can view details and direct practice.



Selamat Datang di Panduan Pemula Optimasi Mesin Penelusuran Google Dokumen ini pertama kali dimulai sebagai upaya untuk membantu tim dalam Google, tetapi kami pikir panduan ini akan sama bergunanya untuk webmaster yang masi baru terhadap topik optimasi mesin penelusuran dan ingin meningkatkan interaksi pengguna dan mesin penelusuran dengan situs mereka. Walaupun panduan ini tidak memberitahu rahasia apapun yang akan secara otomatis meningkatkan peringkat situs Anda pada penelusuran di Google (maaf!), mengikuti praktik yang diuraikan dibawah akan memudahkan mesin penelusuran untuk menjelajah dan mengindeks konten Anda.

Optimasi mesin penelusuran seringkali mengenai modifikasi kecil pada bagian situs web Anda. Bila dilihat secara terpisah, perubahan ini mungkin tampak seperti perbaikan bertahap, tetapi saat digabungkan dengan optimasi lainnya, mereka dapat memiliki dampak nyata pada pengalaman pengguna dan kinerja pada hasil penelusuran oganik situs Anda. Anda sepertinya sudah akrab dengan kebanyakan topik pada panduan ini, karena mereka merupakan bahan penting untuk semua laman web, tetapi Anda tidak akan menggunakan semuanya.

Walaupun judul panduan ini mengandung kata "mesin penelusuran", kami ingin menyampaikan bahwa Anda harus membuat keputusan optimasi terlebuh dahulu dan terutama yang terbaik bagi pengunjung situs. Mereka adalah konsumen utama konten dan menggunakan mesin penelusuran untuk menemukan pekerjaan Anda. Terlalu fokus pada perubahan terterntu untuk meraih peringkat pada hasil organik mesin penelusuran mungkin tidak memberikan hasil yang diinginkan. Optimasi mesin penelusuran adalah menyajikan yang terbaik dari situs Anda saat dihadapkan pada ketersediaan pada mesin penelusuran.

Contoh dapat membantu penjelasan kamu, jadi kami telah membuat situs web fiktif yang mengikuti keseluruhan panduan. Untuk setiap topik, kami menyajikan informasi yang cukup mengenai situs untuk mengilustrasikan poin yang dimaksud. Berikut beberapa informasi mengenai latar belakang situs yang akan kita gunakan:
• Nama situs web/bisnis: "Brandon's Baseball Cards"
• Nama Domain: brandonsbaseballcards.com
• Fokus: penjualan kartu baseball hanya secara online, panduan harga, artikel, dan konten berita
• Ukuran: Kecil, ~250 laman

Di sini saya tidak bisa menjelaskan panjang lebar karena itu saya menyertakan link untuk download video dan file pdf yang dimana kalian bisa melihat secara detail dan mempraktekannya langsung.



Untuk lebih jelasnya biar teman-teman semyua bisa mengerti silahkan lihat video di bawah ini atau bisa langsung download di sini :


As we know, Windows 7 is the creation of Microsoft's latest operating system that quite successfully attract devotees. This is because the features provided good but not really need the hardware specs are not too big.

But after all is also a computer that uses Windows OS needs to do some more optimization for maximum Windows performance. No need to add hardware at all, simply do directly from Windows default settings alone. Here are some tips for optimizing performance of Windows 7.

Adding Virtual Memory. By default, Windows allocates space on the hard disk in accordance with the minimum threshold. But you can make settings manually to add a large memory on your computer. Windows Virtual Memory is used automatically if the RAM has been working to reach the maximum limit. Virtual Memory is meant here is an internal memory of additional disk space taken from space. So you do not need any additional equipment other than your own computer, interesting is not it?

* Right click on the icon "My Computer" (the default), then select "Properties".
* Then you'll be taken to the Basic Information window. Click on the option "Advanced System Settings".
* On the Advanced System Settings tab, click on "Performance> Settings", will appear Virtual Memory table. Click on "Change".
* Uncheck the "Automatically manage paging file size for all drivers. Then you select "Custom Size" and give the number (1000 in the Initial Size) and figures (2000 in the Maximum Size), then click the "Set".
* Restart your computer to get the effect of changing these settings.

Disable UAC feature (User Account Control). UAC is a security feature which is the default in Windows 7 like Windows Vista. This feature will appear each time you access a file or application that is not recognized or new. Quite useful but some do feel disturbed, if you feel disturbed, just turn off.

* You can enter the "Search" via the Start menu> right click> search or through the "Windows + R" (Run menu). Both have the same goal. Type "msconfig" and Enter.
* Select the "Tools", look for the words "Change UAC Settings", then click the "Launch".
* Then stay drag & drop slice bar on "Never Notify". Restart your computer to get the effect.

Changing the Menu Show Delay. The default Windows 7 has a loading time in the Start Menu is 400 millisecond. You can change this figure to be smaller or even as you wish for faster loading.