It seems the gadget enthusiast will not wait for the presence of the latest version of iPod Touch (Apple A4) announced today at an event held by Apple. Large-scale changes include improvements to the outer casing iPod Touch, with an additional front camera (facing camera) on your iPod, then the screen is updated with the retinal display as a screen that is owned by the iPhone 4. But the most impressive is the change in the chip (processor) used ipod the same as those used on the iPhone 4 and IPAD.

Use ARM Processor A4 mobile version is considered very important for the future of the iPod, because Apple considers the very high iPod sales of 275 million units and 1.5 billion games that have been downloaded via the iPod touch. While Nintendo and Sony are busy in development of mobile gaming, Apple did not seem confused by it because it had controlled 50% of the worldwide gaming market with devices like the iPod Touch. While Apple remains in control of the market, but it did want to always be the party most dominating therefore Apple is a massive change to the iPod Touch.


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