We may often face difficulties to increase our blog traffic. We have been taking many ways to increase the traffic, for example, by creating an advertisement on other sites, giving comments in other blogs, spreading and exchanging links, etc. However, it doesn't increase the traffic significantly and maybe it spends time and money. But now there are a new way out to increase the traffic using BlogUpp, a web which offers a free and automated blog promotion.

BlogUpp service is free of charge and no registration required. The service supports multi language, no annoying pop up and animated advertisement, evenly spread and can also be used in WordPress. In addition, we can reach the readers target and inform the recent posting of our blog on others.

It is easy to use this service, just enter our blog URL, a code will be generated and we just need to copy the code and paste it into our blogs as a widget, it soon drives new traffic. They do not require us to submit an ads, it takes a snapshot of our blog which added with the recent article and share them. It gets our most recent article by regularly reading our blogs' RSS.

After installing the code into our blog, there will appear other's blog which also uses the BlogUpp, and vice versa. The image will be taken randomly, means every time we open the blog, it will always changes. It has the best of de facto exchange ratio (10:9) which means our blog will be shown to 9 readers of other blogs after 10 blogs shared in our BlogUpp widget.


Anonim mengatakan... @ 6 Maret 2009 pukul 13.26

Yes , I want to try.. Thnks for your info

Ariyan mengatakan... @ 18 Desember 2009 pukul 15.24

* Repeater Clear Cast SG-45 untuk ( GSM )
* Repeater Clear Cast SC-45 untuk ( CDMA )
* Repeater Clear Cast SU-50 untuk ( 3G )


Clear Cast SG-45 Small Site Wireless Recaption Repeater adalah solusi ideal yang menyediakan dan meningkatkan penerimaan sinyal selular dan sinyal penerimaan data akses internet di perumaahan, ruko, kantor, dan areal bawah tanah.Karena beroreantasi mudah pasang untuk pengguna, aksesoris pendukung yang memadai, 5 warna lampu indikasi LED, dan kabel belden koaksial RG 6, 15 meter dengan konektor.Cukup dengan pengalaman memasang antena TV saja, pengguna dapat menyelesaikan instalasi repeater clear cast dengan mudah.
Meningkatkan komunikasi ponsel dalam gedung dan sinyal peneriman data, dengan jangkauan areal 200 m2.
Indikasi LED unik dengan 5 warna informasi level kekuatan sinyal.
Perlengkapan memedai yang mudah untuk diinstalasikan.
Info Lengkap Hubungi : Ariyan
Tlp : 021 71113860
Hp : 0852 8773 2337 ( sms )
YM : ariyanto_fahri

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